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Weight Loss Drops are Super Convenient!

You can lose weight fast, 20 - 30 lbs. in about a month, when you use diet drops. 

But who created diet drops and how are they so convenient for you? 

DIY Diet Drops for Fast Weight Loss

Have you noticed a family member or colleague at work who dropped a big chunk of weight quickly and when you asked someone what diet plan he or she used, they said, “Oh, you know, those diet drops?"

Those diet drops are usually a formula similar to homeopathic HCG weight loss drops. Dr. Albert T. W. Simeons did about 20 years of research in the 1950’s and 1960’s searching for a solution for people struggling to lose weight. He discovered that people who took a very small amount of HCG each day and followed a restricted diet rapidly lost weight from those hard-to- lose-from places on their bodies like the hips, thighs and buttocks, and the key to this fast weight loss diet was HCG. 

As it turns out, HCG is produced naturally in huge quantities by the body during pregnancy. Dr. Simeons observed that women in poor countries and women suffering from severe morning sickness normally had healthy babies even with very little calorie intake. Why? Because when a woman is only taking in or keeping down a very low number of calories during pregnancy, HCG does its job. It allows the body to release fat reserves so that out of this stored fat, the body can get the vitamins and minerals it needs to fuel the growth of the baby. Simeons applied this concept (taking HCG in conjunction with following a very specific diet) to people who were not pregnant but were trying to lose weight, and he found that it worked just as well. Dr. Simeons helped lots of people to lose weight back in his day using his HCG Weight Loss Diet Plan but, thank goodness, the logistics have changed a great deal. 

To participate in Dr. Simeons’ HCG Diet Plan sixty years ago, patients would:

  • Travel to Italy for over a month.
  • Be admitted to the hospital for over a month.
  • Receive daily HCG injections every day for over a month.

That sounds like a lot of trouble, not to mention expense!

Today, Using Diet Drops is Much More Convenient

For example:

  • Travel is unnecessary. You can order DIY diet drops off the internet -- you don’t even have to
    drive to the store.
  • There are great books and companies that can help you do the diet wherever you happen to be, so definitely no need to go to a hospital. However, anyone thinking about starting any weight loss program is encouraged to check with their physician before they begin.
  • Note: You are encouraged to find a good source of information and support to ensure that you find out exactly why and how the diet works. Hopefully, this source will also have a support line that you can call for any questions or concerns that you may have should you decide to go on the diet.
  • Injections are no longer required to lose 20 to 30 pounds in about a month. Diet drops can be taken orally: simply fill the dropper to the appropriate line on the calibrated dropper (there ARE lines and numbers on our DIY Diet Store droppers unlike most other HCG or similar companies’ droppers), squirt the drops under your tongue and hold for 2 minutes while they are absorbed into the body. Then swallow any remaining liquid. That’s it -- NO SHOTS; no pain; no nerve needed (to give yourself an injection)!

Additional Note: Most diet drops have an alcohol base because when the drops are made with alcohol, the alcohol kills bacteria that may be introduced as the drops are open and used over up to 40 days and because alcohol stabilizes the drops so that they do NOT need to be refrigerated.

However, diet drops are also available with a mineral water base for those people who have an aversion to alcohol or those who cannot have alcohol for any reason. These drops that don’t have alcohol in the formula are recommended to be refrigerated after opening. 

Check out the DIY Diet Program Food for details on the specifics of the diet, throw your drops in your purse or laptop case, and you are ready to start losing…weight!

Diet Diet Starter Pack to Lose Weight Fast